Day 2:
Start: Rapid City, SD
Finish: Spearfish, SD
Miles: 108
States: SD
A short day of driving led to some memorable life experiences on day 2. A 20 minute drive started the morning off as we hit up Reptile Gardens. This place was full of alligators, crocodiles, snakes, and a bunch of things that were not reptiles. We were the only people there that did not have kids under the age of 7 years old but it was still fun.
Steve Irwin would have geeked out. |
2nd stop of the day was Mt. Rushmore. Boy, talk about taking a piece of art and commercializing the shit out of it. I've never seen so many magnets, mugs, and t-shirts with the same picture on it before. $10 was the perfect price for this place though as you can walk up, take a picture, and roll out in about 10 minutes. $10.01? I would have driven right by. You can see it from the road anyways!
"I like Lincoln's face the best." Some little girl |
Custer State Park was next with my main goal being to hike to Black Elk Peak. Seems pretty simple, get on the trail that goes North and 3.5 miles later, you're at the top. NOPE! Eric decided to start on the trail that goes East and adds an extra mile of too many ups and downs. I couldn't complain too much because the views were 10x better than the correct trail. The views at the top were also incredible and it was a great workout as I sweated more than my last time in a church.
2.25 hours up, 1.25 hours down |
I kept waiting for this storm to get me. |
After recovering from my harrowing climb up and down Black Elk Peak, it was on to Deadwood to find some eats. The best part about this was how I turned a $20 promo voucher to the Casino/Restaurant/Starbucks/Pub combo that we ate at into a $54 profit in 5 seconds at a slot machine. I promptly cashed out, paid for dinner and rolled out. Against my better judgement, I did get talked out of trying to double it up on red at the roulette table.
Last stop of the day was a quick 10 minute "hike" to visit the Mt Roosevelt Friendship Tower. I came across this one day while checking out google maps instead of working. Sorry Lori. It wasn't much but it was cool to check out a 100 year old tower and it was free-99.
It was completed 6 months after Teddy passed away. |
Upcoming: Devils Tower and I'm not sure what else on the way to Yellowstone.
Quote of the day: "I'm just going to wait here and let the people from Wrong Turn come get me." Debbie on not hiking up to see the Friendship Tower.
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